From Sunday 17 May at 10:30 we will re – open the shoot in line with Government and CPSA recomendations.
If you are showing any symptoms, feel unwell or are in a vulnerable category please, in the interest of safety, stay at home.
The new guidelines neccesitate a new operating format which is as follows.
All shooting must be pre-booked by telephone to control numbers on site. Bookings can be made between 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday. Cartridges must be pre ordered and are only available in slabs of 250. Clay’s and cartridges should preferably be pre paid by bank transfer but cash can be used if you bring the exact amount on the day. No change will be given.
Customers must remain in their cars until 5 minutes before their allotted start time.
Upon which make your way to the cabin to collect your dongle. Please be punctual.
The clubhouse will be closed so only bring what’s necessary when you come to shoot.
The Sporting layout will comprise of a 10 stand 80 bird course which must be shot in stand number order. The cost of a round is £22.50. Dongles will be pre-loaded plus 10% for no birds.
DTL and ABT will be shot in rounds of 25 at a cost of £7 per round. More than 1 round per person can be booked.
Each individual must place their empty cartridges in the bins provided.
Please be courteous and patient to your fellow shooters and endeavour to keep things flowing.
Once you have finished your shooting you must leave the shooting ground without unnecessary delay.
There will no catering facilities on site but you can bring your own refreshments so long as you take your waste home.
Toilet facilities will be available but should only be used if absolutely necessary.
Wash facilities will be available but we strongly recommend that you bring your own sanitiser as well.
These guidelines may change in line with government rules so please bear with us in these unprecedented times.
As you are all a bit rusty, I will try and make it a nice easy shoot 🙂
Shoot safe, stay safe!!
Regards Max and Elaine.