ACC (A-Class-Clarky) once again only needed 1 line before he found himself once again in the DTL final. the local hot-shots where finding it hard to do a “10 in the den” this i believe was down to several factors ; 1 they were haveing a bad day at the office , 2 JEN had returned to work,
3 they couldnt decide if they wanted to meet ACC in the final… drew, danny
barry and II now have special apps on their smart phones that lets them pay as soon as they miss a bird…. ACC was feeling confident that this being his 3rd final in the month of february would be his best yet. drew had won the last 2 with some fine shooting but ACC was determined to stop the hatrick. COME THE HOUR – COME THE MAN.
· 27 February 2013 at 9:59 pm
the weekend of the 24/02/13 so many great sporting achievements ; – CITY won, england cricketers & rugby men had dramatic victories, PNE avoided defeat and ACC beat 7 men in the DTL final. hand shakes with one hand and £30 english pounds with the other where duly exchanged to the “new kid on the peg”. i aim to be a regular feature in the DTL ring exchangeing shots with the top-shots.
· 27 February 2013 at 10:05 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ELAINE…. xx – ps i look forward to you presenting me with a brown envelope this sunday, but what will be in it ??
· 27 February 2013 at 10:18 pm
it was good to see a new face on the sporting layout champions board, JAMES BEST with a fine 28, this i believe is down to him transfering from the SNST (special needs shooting team) to the ACC (A-class crew). here he has been nurtured by the likes of – day time X england dave waddy / mick the fence nowell / paul 6-layers moss & A-class clarky. – all of whom use ammo supplied by CLARKY at “mates rates”. £155 per 1000 eley olympics.
80 Sporting 1st Rudi Coxhead 722nd John Roden 683rd Mick Nowell 64 Ladies – Eleana Stafford 43 ABT – Jason Foster 22/25DTL – Richard McKay 53/75 Very cold day but no rain and little wind Read more…
80 Sporting 1st Callum Sherrington 732nd Ross Holmes 723rd Phil Rimmer 69 ABT – Ian Clarke 15/25 DTL – Gordon Pearson 52/75 Cold and slushy but generally not too bad throughout the shoot. Thanks to Read more…
ACC · 27 February 2013 at 9:37 pm
ACC (A-Class-Clarky) once again only needed 1 line before he found himself once again in the DTL final. the local hot-shots where finding it hard to do a “10 in the den” this i believe was down to several factors ; 1 they were haveing a bad day at the office , 2 JEN had returned to work,
3 they couldnt decide if they wanted to meet ACC in the final… drew, danny
barry and II now have special apps on their smart phones that lets them pay as soon as they miss a bird…. ACC was feeling confident that this being his 3rd final in the month of february would be his best yet. drew had won the last 2 with some fine shooting but ACC was determined to stop the hatrick. COME THE HOUR – COME THE MAN.
ACC · 27 February 2013 at 9:59 pm
the weekend of the 24/02/13 so many great sporting achievements ; – CITY won, england cricketers & rugby men had dramatic victories, PNE avoided defeat and ACC beat 7 men in the DTL final. hand shakes with one hand and £30 english pounds with the other where duly exchanged to the “new kid on the peg”. i aim to be a regular feature in the DTL ring exchangeing shots with the top-shots.
ACC · 27 February 2013 at 10:05 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ELAINE…. xx – ps i look forward to you presenting me with a brown envelope this sunday, but what will be in it ??
ACC · 27 February 2013 at 10:18 pm
it was good to see a new face on the sporting layout champions board, JAMES BEST with a fine 28, this i believe is down to him transfering from the SNST (special needs shooting team) to the ACC (A-class crew). here he has been nurtured by the likes of – day time X england dave waddy / mick the fence nowell / paul 6-layers moss & A-class clarky. – all of whom use ammo supplied by CLARKY at “mates rates”. £155 per 1000 eley olympics.